Blogging with Observablehq Notebook and Fastpages
Using Observablehq notebook inside static blog.
Observablehq is an online notebook for tools like d3, threejs etc…
In order to display it in Fastpages blog . We need to add a display div
element and some <script>
from observablehq.
<div id='display'></div>
<script type="module">
// Load the Observable runtime and inspector.
import {Runtime, Inspector} from "";
// Your notebook, compiled as an ES module.
import notebook from "";
// Load the notebook, observing its cells with a default Inspector
// that simply renders the value of each cell into the provided DOM node.
new Runtime().module(notebook, Inspector.into('#display'));
Here is a displayed notebook
Observable Demo
Table of Contents
Observable Fastpages Integration
This notebook will indicate how we can do a blog post by writing a notebook in Observable and adding the same inside a markdown file which is then rendered by Fastpages in a blog post
Steps involved in the process:
- Add a blogpost in Observable notebook. Please take care of following guidelines for good looking post
- Imports should be done at the bottom in a section called Appendix
- For most of the notebook , it might be better to hide code cells by unpinning them
- Integrating TOC can be useful. A function is defined at the bottom
- Title cell "h1" can be dynamically hidden using style. as indicated at the bottom
- Start everything with h2 or '##' for the heading . This will combine well with title of markdown which is set in Fastpages Frontmatter
Example of Tex
Example of Static Plot
Example of Dynamic Widget
count = 12
Example of SVG
toc = ƒ(…)
height = 202
width = 640
margin = Object {top: 20, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 30}
fruits = Array(8) [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object]