How To Type In Hinglish
I belong to a generation of Indians who have largely gotten separated from our roots. Large part of this is owing to the “English Medium” phenomenon where every success metric and every qualification criteria is judged against your fluency in English. In addition to this, technology also plays a big role. Since everything is in English, we type in English, speak in English and communicate in English. Even when we have to communicate in Hindi, we type in English
Under these conditions, I have recently discovered a wonderful feature on Google Docs, where you can type in English; and the text converts to Hindi automatically. Here is how you do it. When you open the interface, this is what you see:-
On the top right corner, you should see a Hindi vowel: aa. Click on it and see the magic. You can type words of Hindi with English spelling and it will convert it correctly.
में इस feature से बहुत impress हुआ हूँ
Now with Google Docs and Fastpages I can easily blog in Hinglish. Hurrah!
अपनी मातृभाषा में अपने बिचारों को रख पाना एक बहुत बहुमूलिया प्रतिभा है। इतने सालों तक इंडिया से बहार रहने के बाद मुझे व्यतीत होता है की मैं बात तो कर लेता हूँ लेकिन कन्विंस नहीं कर पाता। होपफ़ुल्ली थिस शुड हेल्प रेसोल्वे िट।